位於台北市中山區的木生婦幼診所目前正在招聘助產師,有意願者請洽木生婦幼診所管理部謝小姐聯絡電話:09 ... >> more
Should You Have a Cesarean Section?
Should You Have a Cesarean Section?
資料發佈日期: 2007/08/16
Posted by Donna Dolezal Zelzer on June 17th, 2006 Cesarean section is major abdominal surgery. Like any major surgery, it can have major complications including hemorrhage, blood clots and serious infections of the uterus, kidneys, lungs, or other areas. Despite this, about 3 women in 10 now give birth by having their bodies sliced into, rather than using the outlet that nature provided. Sometimes C-sections are necessary and life-saving, but often they’re done for reasons that have nothing to do with the health of mother or baby, such as scheduling the baby’s birth date at a time convenient for the mother or caregiver. Childbirth Connection has an excellent area devoted to questions about cesarean section. Be sure to read the information about the safety and effectiveness of different birth choices. Among other things, you’ll learn about the physical and psychological effects of cesareans on mothers around the time of birth, the ongoing effects of cesareans on mothers, the effects of cesareans on babies and the effects of vaginal birth on mothers and babies. For other resources, check out my Squidoo Lens: Just Say No to Cesarean Section. 我應該要採取剖腹產嗎? Posted by Donna Dolezal Zelzer on June 17th, 2006 剖腹產是主要的腹部外科手術,類似於其他的腹部手術。它主要的合併症有出血、血凝塊、嚴重的子宮、腎臟、肺臟或其他部位的感染。不管如此,十位婦女中有三位的身體是被分割的,相當於使用自然提供的外力。有時候剖腹產適需要的以及挽救生命的,但是經常做了這種手術的理由並不是為了母親與孩子的健康著想,像預定孩子生產的時間是為了母親與照顧者的方便著想。對於生產方面有一個非常棒的網站area devoted to questions about cesarean section. 確定可以讀取訊息的網站為safety and effectiveness of different birth choices. 對於其他方面的事情,你可以學到母親剖腹生產時對身體與精神方面的影響、剖腹產後持續的影響、剖腹產在母親與新生兒的影響以及自然產在母親與新生兒的影響。其他的資源可以查詢: Just Say No to Cesarean Section.