Happy #IDM2023!

Happy #IDM2023!

資料發佈日期: 2023/05/08


Happy #IDM2023!


Happy #IDM2023!

Dear midwives and midwifery advocates, 

Today is a special day for midwives all around the world. On behalf of the International Confederation of Midwives (ICM), we would like to wish you a Happy International Day of the Midwife! #IDM2023

This year's theme is "Together Again: From Evidence to Reality." As midwives, you have been at the forefront of evidence-based practice, advocating for high-quality care, and improving maternal and newborn health outcomes around the world. We want to recognise and celebrate all the amazing work that you do and the impact that you have on women and families every day.

To celebrate this special day, we invite you again to visit idm2023.com and access the IDM advocacy toolkit, which is packed with resources and ideas to help you celebrate the International Day of the Midwife. You can also find information about events happening around the world and join the conversation on social media using the hashtag #IDM2023.

Additionally, we are excited to invite you once more to tune into our virtual event, happening today at 16:00 CET, where we will celebrate the achievements of midwives worldwide and discuss the importance of evidence-based care. You can access the event registration page via idm2023.com and join us in our celebrations.

We encourage you to use these resources to spread the word about the vital role of midwives in maternal and newborn health. Share them with your colleagues, clients, and communities to raise awareness about the importance of evidence-based care and celebrate the life-promoting work you do.

Once again, Happy #IDM2023! Together, let's continue to work towards improving maternal and newborn health outcomes and celebrate the invaluable role of midwives.

Access the IDM 2023 Toolkit
Register to attend ICM’s IDM 2023 Event
Share the IDM 2023 Toolkit on Twitter
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